Monday 22 September 2008

Training on track

Easing into the taper before the Melbourne HM by reducing my Sunday long runs. Last Sunday ran 1.41 at a reasonable pace, averaging 4.30s. Yesterday joined the others at UQ & ran 1.24 (heading thru' St Lucia & Chelmer), about 17 ks.

Have been hitting the pace sessions pretty hard & the knee seems to be up to it. Also using our Wednesday tempo runs to keep the pace up. Last Wednesday ran the river loop anti-clockwise. At the 36 min mark (nearing the green bridge) I wanted to pick it up & probably ran around 4min ks back to the Ship Inn (via Annerley Rd). Got back earlier than expected so had to go for another k to make it 58 mins. Also managed a Saturday run - 1st for ages. 35 mins with T including 5x 1min fast on the Yeronga Park grass.

Thursday 11 September 2008


Fronted up early & finally they had it right - segregated race colours meaning I could stroll straight up to the front. Even managed to go for a warm-up in front of the race start (along the service road that goes under the bridge).

Underway by 6.50 or so after waiting 5 minutes for the 2 Emmas (Snowsill & Moffat - Olympic Tri champs) to turn up & shoot the gun. This year's course was new, reduced to 10k from 12 finishing at the RNA Showgrounds in Bowen Hills. The website course map was a mud-map so I had no idea which roads we'd been on after deviating from KSD.

Start was back further than last year & the run to the top of the bridge seemed to drag. Immediately I seemed to be struggling. Not much rhythm & breathing hard. Tried to pick up the pace on the way down & went thru' 3k right on pace (11.14). 4k was 5 secs slower (3.50) than goal pace & 5k was 5 secs slower again as was 6k. I was pretty much resigned by then that I didn't have it in me to PB. Could only manage a try to hold on pace & alot of folks seemed to pass me.

Route headed onto the Inner City Bypass & the rise up there at 8k was akin to a significant hill - slowed again...Watched Matty L & Gary Mayor pass me (both from the red zone but qualifying for next year's blue by running sub 40).About the 9k mark we were off the ICB & a couple of streets before heading into the showgrounds. 39.06 - nearly 2 minutes slower than last year.

Still, only my 2nd race for the year, & my recent walking holiday meaning I'm a bit light on for speed training.

Fronted up to PCRG on the following Tues & pushed myself on the 1 minute efforts. Took the soft option on Wednesday morning instead running in the evening with Tenz: UQ 10k. Slow 1st k in 5.25 but steadily picking up - halfway in 23.45, back in 46.30. First run with T for a while - he struggled a bit with the pace. We then had an easy 2k warm-down by taking the DVD back to the shop.

Thursday 4 September 2008

Hinchinbrook Island interlude

Managed to interrupt my running schedule via some R & R on both Magnetic & Hinchinbrook Islands off the north Queensland coast. I had a couple of shortish runs along Horseshoe Beach & environs on Maggie but was too stuffed after lugging a pack around on our 6 day bushwalk to run on HI.

Flew back from Townsville on the Monday arvo & fronted up for the September 3k TT the next morning getting underway at 6am. Wasn't sure how I'd go but didn't feel too bad - lungs were pretty good (must've been all those ascents & descents with my 25kg pack). Stayed in touch with the leaders going thru' the half in 5.02. Back in 5.15 dropping off a bit in form but not wanting to thrash myself either - B2B this Sunday.

Backed up the next day with the Wednesday morning crew doing the river loop (18.4 ks). Felt ok & had wanted to put in a few surges to get the heart-rate up but found the pace was good enough. Turned into a nice tempo run averaging 4.30s (1.22.51). Sore the next day (stiff muscles) so didn't run, raining also so an easy decision.