Tuesday 23 June 2009

Cold/ flu hits

Just when I thought I'd got over the first symptoms of a cold - it appears to have got me. Very disappointing especially as my recent progress had been encouraging. Frustrating timing, with the race only 2 weeks away & I've now had the last 6 days off...

My last run was a good River Loop, managing to slowly increase my speed in the last 5 ks finishing in 84 mins with the last 3ks at sub-4 min pace. However, that extra exertion may've put paid to my plans. Hope to have an easy run tomorrow.

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Doomben 10k

Ran my first 10k race since last year's B2B. A 7.20am start outside the Doomben race-course in Ascot in perfect conditions (after overnight rain). Decided to go out reasonably quick, settle into the middle stretch & speed up for the last k. Went pretty much to plan: 1st k in 3.32 then pretty much 3.50s.

Started mingling with the half-marathoners. 5k in the high 18s. Quite a few hair-pin bends up & down a few streets towards the end seemed unnecessary. Should've just run further out & re-traced our route. Kinda lost track of the distance & wasn't too sure as to when I should wind it up. Finally directed back across the rail tracks & thus freeing myself from the HM congestion. 9k @ 34.34, finished strong in 38.21 finishing 28th overall.

So the lack of race practice told. Legs felt ok from the long distance training but just haven't done enough fast stuff.