Weather turned a little yuk, squally rain & wind. Ran past the start finish line & turned at the 1 hour 18 mark. Couldn't resist the finishing shute practice...put on a surge to skip to the front & cross the 'line', arms outstretched & sub-3 of course...
Running south was into the wind in the open stretches , but not too bad. Had a drink & a short stretch at the 2 hour mark & consumed a Gu that Pete had given me. The first time I've tried this & it seemed to go down well. An energy shot that probably has more of a psychological lift than anything. Still, we upped the pace for the last 35 mins to 4.15s. Finished off with 5 mins of slow jogging & then a brief swim - surf was choppy with a strong current. R & R at Dave's unit overlooking the beach.
3k TT Tues.
Ran a good race after my last long run to take another 8 seconds off last month's time, now 10.07. Encouraged by my quicker recoveries. Blister didn't have any bearing but got sore later in the week after an easy 10k on Wed, I had Fri & Sat off.
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