Monday 7 January 2008

Highgate Hell

Took off om my own for the Sunday long run - the sun was finally out & it was very humid. Decided last minute to head into the city & do the loop that we did on new year's eve. Things were going pretty well until after GOMA where the river run loops back to the south. Maybe there was a drop in the almost non-existent breeze but I started to overheat, had to remove my cap, slow down & start looking for water. Just my luck, nothing until Hill End side about 3 ks away. Topped up there & splashed water over my head & cap (probably deemed an offence in our level 6 restrictions...).

Started up the hill from the river level & made it to the top of Highgate Hill in a very slow, tortuous 20 mins. A slow jog but didn't walk at least. No water in sight & no money (mental note, must bring a coin with me for a cold drink along the way). Found a water fountain at the top of the cemetery, overlooking the path down to the Green Bridge. Shuffled home a la' Cliff Young in 77 mins all up. Can't remember a hotter long run than that. Must try & go earlier, 6am instead of the 8am start.

Friday before I attended PCRG - my first session since the December time trial (roughly a month ago). It was a good session for me: 4x 1 ks with 1 min SRs (+ 2x 500m with 30s SR). Didn't try to go too hard, which was sensible - don't think I could've gone any faster. The legs weren't too bad but the lungs were protesting & my belly was swinging around with the results of too much December 'good cheer'.

1 comment:

Toasty said...

i think it is a good time of year to test yourself .... who am i kidding? its tough, well done