Sunday 10 February 2008


5.30am start from the Ship Inn with a group of 7 for the Sunday long run. A circuitous route out to New Farm & Tenneriffe, along boardwalks for a 1 hour 5 min turn point. Felt ok but knew the time would challenge me. Had wanted a 1.30 or 1.45 but 2 hours was on the cards. Felt that if I could hang on & not push it too hard the group dynamics would pull me thru'. And that pretty much happened, dropped off the pace with 20 mins to go. Picked it up until the 1.50 mark then felt pretty weary, legs heavy. Back to the Ship Inn in 1.56 so had to continue until the psychological hurdle had been achieved.

Had to front up a couple of hours later for helping shift furniture to a new house: wardrobes, tables etc. All the heavy, awkward stuff.

Tuesday 3k TT.
Raining on the run seemed to slow me, maybe the traction wasn't quite there. Slow halfway turn in 5.07 was disappointing but a homeward half of 5.20 was worse. Felt flat.

Surprised myself on Thurs & Fri by getting up early & running with Tenz around 5.10 pace on Thur for 10ks & quicker on Friday for 12ks. My first Friday off PCRG in a while. Reducing my speed work until the soreness eases.

1 comment:

Toasty said...

It was slippery and definitely the lack of traction would have been a factor.